Scams in Costa Rica

It’s probably the thing that travelers are most afraid of (if they’re aware of them), and yet they continue to happen over and over. Scams can happen to the best of us, but if you know what to expect, your chances of falling prey to common tourist scams will be just about nill. 

Here are some of the most common scams in Costa Rica

  1. Taxi scam: this is one of the more common scams in Costa Rica. You’ll get in the taxi and the driver will tell you that the meter is broken – don’t believe them. Without the meter, they’ll be able to charge whatever they want. Find another taxi. 
  2. “Helpful” scam: This one is a little tricky. If you seem lost, someone might approach you to offer assistance or guidance, and then demand a “tip” for their services. Alternatively, someone may offer to help you with your bags, subsequently making off with them, or also demanding a tip. Moral of the story – be wary of anyone who approaches you uninvited.  
  3. Tour scam: A very friendly and professionally dressed individual comes up to you and starts spinning a tale of the best day tour you’ve been on in your entire life. It’s simple, it’s informative, it’s fun and full of activity, and best of all, the price is amazing. You’re sold, so you pay them the fee and wait the next morning for a tour bus which…never comes. They got you. The lesson – only purchase day tours from authorized tour companies, and read the reviews so you can be sure of a good experience. 

How can I keep my money safe while traveling in Costa Rica? 

Along with being wary of scams in Costa Rica, you should also keep an eye on your money in general. 

First, keep your money separated. You definitely don’t want to have everything in one place. In the unfortunate event that you fall victim to the pickpockets, better that they get some of what you got – not everything. So you have a couple options: divide up cash and cards, or divide whatever you have into as many places as you like. Just not one. 

In addition, when going out, carry small amounts of cash so that the risk is lower if the thieves get you. One way to keep what you have safe is also by using a money belt, something you wear under your clothes, so you can move around with a little less worry (tip: keep your passport in the money belt too – you’ll need to have it anyway, and this way your most important travel document is as secure as possible). 

Finally, never use an ATM after dark – you’ll be a very vulnerable target. Daytime ATM use only, please. 

And that’s it! Remember, the word you hear the most in discussions of pickpockets is vigilance. Check on your valuables frequently, and be suspicious of anyone who might come up to you. They won’t know who they’re messing with!

Looking for more information? 

Check out the following articles below for other tips on safety in Costa Rica: 

Safety in Costa Rica

Food and Water Safety in Costa Rica

Getting around: Buses and Taxis in Costa Rica

Solo Travel in Costa Rica

Food and Water Safety in Costa Rica

If you have a fear of food-poisoning from eating somewhere unfamiliar while traveling, or of being sickened by the local tap water, you’re certainly not alone. Many travelers research their destinations in advance to choose where to eat ahead of time so they can avoid disreputable spots and take their trip without fear of the toilet. But is this practical? More importantly, is it the best way to enjoy your holiday when you go to Costa Rica

While copious research could help, the best way to stay healthy while traveling is by picking up a few rules and tools to spot situations that could be sketchy, and go for the food that is fresh, first. You’re in the right place for that information – read on!

What to know about the food in Costa Rica:

  • Street food: You don’t want to miss this stuff, really. Street food is always great, especially in Costa Rica. You get to watch it be cooked before your eyes so you can be less concerned about whether or not it’s fresh, and you can ask them to cook something fresh for you if you’re ever unsure!
  • If it looks sketchy, stay away. You gotta know when to trust your gut. Does it look old? Has it been sitting in the sun for a while? Is the salad not at the *peak* of freshness? Best to walk the other way. 
  • Go for crowded joints. When there are many people eating at a restaurant, the odds are excellent that they’re eating there for a reason. Good patronage=good food. 
  • Limit the fruit. Fiber is good for you – in moderation. Many people make the mistake of overdoing it with the delicious, tropical fruit that are in abundance in the markets. But, do yourself a favor – set a limit, or it will come back to haunt you. 

Can you drink the water in Costa Rica? 

Overall, yes you can. The water in the bigger cities will be safe and potable, and to many people is considered delicious. That said, there are a few places to watch out for, where drinking the tap water would not be prudent: beach destinations and rural countrysides are not known for their sparkling-clean pipes. You can always drink bottled water, or (to be more eco-friendly) try a purification option with your own reusable water bottle. Invest in some water purification tablets, or carry a UV pen, and you’ll be just fine. 

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Looking for more information? 

Check out the following articles below for more tips on safety in Costa Rica: 

Safety in Costa Rica

Scams in Costa Rica

Getting around: Buses and Taxis in Costa Rica

Solo Travel in Costa Rica